Shrink Rap Radio Listener Survey

This brief survey will take only a few minutes of your time but will be very helpful to me in understanding who you are, how you listen to the show, what you like, what sorts of sponsor(s) would make sense, and so on. I really appreciate your help with this! - Dr. Dave

The first section of the survey is devoted to demographic information about you. It will help me to know my audience and, therefore, how to serve you better. I promise you that I will never disclose your personal information to other parties or use it for individual sales or marketing purposes. The information you provide will be used only in the aggregate.

1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age?
Under 15 years
15 - 19
20 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 - 39
40 - 44
45 - 49
50 - 54
55 - 59
60 - 64
65 or older

3. Your current employment status?

4. Your education Level?
Some high school or less
Graduated High school
Some college
Graduated two-year or technical college
Graduated four-year college
Master's Degree
Doctoral Degree
Other Professional Degree (MD, LLB, etc.)

5. Which of the following best describes your total household income before taxes last year? (If you live outside the U.S., choose comparable amount in U.S. dollars)

6. Marital Status?

7. Are you currently a homeowner?

8. Number of children under 18 years of age living in your home?

9. What country do you live in?

10. If you live in the U.S., what state do you live in? (otherwise, skip)

Great! Now let's get your thoughts about Shrink Rap Radio, itself:

11. How do you get Shrink Rap Radio?
I subscribe to the RSS feed through iTunes
I subscribe to the feed using
I subscribe to the feed using iPodder
I subscribe to the feed using Juice
I subscribe to the feed using my browser
I subscribe to the feed using (please specify)
I listen to the podcast without subscribing to the feed

12. How do you usually listen to Shrink Rap Radio?
On my computer
On an MP3 player
On a cell phone
Other, please specify

13. How often do you visit our website at
Several times
Every episode

14. Check all that apply in terms of your use of the Shrink Rap Radio website:
Use the Flash Player (Pickle Player) to listen to episodes right on the web page
Download episodes to my computer
Read the show notes
Get info for ordering books mentioned on the show
Get info for music played on the show
Get info for leaving voice messages using MyChingo or Skype
other, please specify

15. How often do you listen to Shrink Rap Radio?
I listen to each new episode

16. How much of each Shrink Rap Radio episode do you tend to listen to?
I always listen to the whole show
Usually, at least 75%
Usually, about 50%
Usually, about 25%
Usually, just a few minutes

17. On average, how many times do you listen to the same Shrink Rap Radio episode?

18. How many episodes of Shrink Rap Radio have you listened to?

19. What is your preferred length for Shrink Rap Radio?

20. Please rate your overall satisfaction with Shrink Rap Radio.

21. Please rate your degree of satisfaction with each of the following Shrink Rap Radio elements:
Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Diversity of interview topics
Diversity of interviewees
Quality of interviews
Dr. Dave's post-interview commentary
Dr. Dave's personal stories
Placement/handling of ads/sponsors
Sharing of listener e-mails
Podsafe music selection at the end of the episode
Audio quality
Frequency of new episodes
Website content
Website design

22. What do you like most about Shrink Rap Radio?

23. What do you like least about Shrink Rap Radio?

24. What topic or guest ideas would you like to see covered?

25. Which best describes your relationship to the world of psychology?
Currently studying psychology in high school
Currently studying psychology in college
Currently studying psychology in graduate school
In the past, I was a psychology major in college
I am a psychologist
I am a counselor
I am a social worker
I am a psychiatrist
I'm just a curious person who is fascinated by psychology

26. In order to support the show, we may seek out one or more sponsors. How good a fit would the following categories be for Shrink Rap Radio?
Excellent Good Neutral Somewhat Poor Very Poor
Book Retailer (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.)
Magazine (e.g. Psychology Today, etc.)
Provider of Psychological/Inspirational tapes & CDs
Professional Association (e.g. APA)
Electronics (cell phones, mp3 players, etc.)
Computer hardware/software
Entertainment (e.g. movies, music)
Educational Institution
Financial Services
Pets (e.g. pet supplies)

27. Finally, may I have your name and e-mail address? I promise not to spam you or to sell it or give it away. Rather, I might develop a periodic Shrink Rap Radio newsletter or use it to notify you of upcoming special shows or contact you if you have won a prize in one of our contests or offer you special content not available to others.
First (given name)
Last (surname)
Your e-mail address